To Labour and National: I can smell the fossil fuels on your breath!

In 2017, Jacinda Ardern declared that climate change was her generation's "nuclear free moment." This bold statement of intent spoke to the urgency of the crisis we face. But where were the policies and actions directed towards the polluting multinationals and nations determined to destroy our planet? Where was the policy that saw Aotearoa become an international climate action champion as well as a nuclear free champion? 

Climate change is real and it is here. The last few weeks have taught us that we are not safe from the ever-apparent climate catastrophe. We must remember that climate change must be our "nuclear free moment." We must be here for our communities now more than ever; together.

Jacinda is gone now, but the Government continually fails to deliver the radical change we need to tackle the climate crisis. Plans by the Opposition such as to reopen deep sea oil drilling would make the situation even worse. So I say to the Labour and National Parties: I can smell the fossil fuels on your breath!

The reality is that we can never rely on leaders from above to bring about progressive change in society. Real change comes through mass movements from below — movements of ordinary people, like you and I, standing together and refusing to accept injustice. It was true for the nuclear free movement, and it will be true for the climate justice movement as well. It is the reason why the trade union movement exists, and us workers have any rights at all.

The fight is just beginning. We have to understand the link between the struggle for climate justice and the struggle for workers' rights. The system that is driving our world relentlessly towards climate catastrophe is the same system that creates huge poverty and inequality. It's the same system that sees so many of our people struggling during a cost of living crisis, working in terrible conditions for low wages whilst struggling to afford a roof over their heads and food in their stomachs. That system is capitalism.

70% of global emissions are produced by just 100 corporations. Those same filthy corporations exploit their workers and our planet whilst awarding huge profits to shareholders. It's time for all of us to fight back. To tell the BPs, Fonterras and Air New Zealands of the world that they cannot and will not destroy our planet.

We need to transform our economic system. We need to reduce emissions and guarantee fair wages and conditions for all. We need to rebuild our welfare state. We need to plant trees, end poverty, institute positive reforms such as free and frequent public transport for all, and tax the rich. And we need to stop burning fossil fuels, and ensure climate mitigation and resilience in the next ten years, whilst guaranteeing a just transition for the workers currently involved in those industries. Green jobs must be created with decent wages and conditions.

We are never going to win these demands by relying on Government intervention alone. We, the people, must continue our united movement in Aotearoa to fight back against the capitalist system which creates huge wealth for the top 1% at the same time as it creates climate change, poverty and worker exploitation.

We need a movement that joins together the likes of Tangata Whenua, trade unionists, environmentalists and all people in recognising that our interests are one and the same, because the current system does not work for the vast majority of people. A movement to put people before profit for the future of our planet.

A better world is possible — if, and only if, we stand together and fight for it! Together let's fight for what's right, for our families, for our communities and for our planet!

Xavier Walsh (they/them) is the Co-President of Unite Union and the Co-Convenor of Unions Auckland. Elliot Crossan (he/him) is a socialist writer and activist — you can read his writing at Watermelon Media.

Kyle Church